centos yum repo

This article describes how to configure a CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to use the Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. The EPEL repository provides useful software packages that are not included in the official CentOS

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  • If you want to opt in and enable Fasttrack, you can edit the file /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-...
    AdditionalResourcesRepositories - CentOS Wiki
  • YUM Repositories are warehouses of Linux software (RPM package files). RPM package file is...
    How To Set Up and Use Yum Repositories on a CentOS 6 VPS | ...
  • This article describes how to configure a CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to use...
    Install EPEL and IUS repositories on CentOS and Red Hat
  • Here is an example of protecting only the [base] and [update] repositories in the CentOS-B...
    Managing Software with yum - CentOS Project
  • # vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS.repo 然後加入以下一行內容, 要留意的是, 以下是以 RHEL 6 為例子, 如果是其他 RHEL 版本, 例如 RH...
    RHEL 使用 CentOS Repository – Linux 技術手札
  • Top 5 Yum Repositories For CentOS/RHEL systems. Installing RPMFusion EPEL, REMI, and Webta...
    Top 5 Yum Repositories For CentOSRHEL 765 - TecAdmin ...
  • 假如你選擇啟用 Fasttrack,你可在所有現行的 CentOS 版本下編輯 /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-fasttrack.repo 檔,把 Enabled...
    zh-twAdditionalResourcesRepositories - CentOS Wiki
  • However, it is recommended to define individual repositories in new or existing .repo file...
    ⁠ 8.4. Configuring Yum and Yum Repositories
  • 目前 CentOS 5.X 的版本對於 PHP 及 MySQL 一直維持在 5.1.6 及 5.0.X , 所以有時候要玩些新東西就不方便 , 除非自己要編譯 , 不想編譯就只好安...
    兩個我常用的 CentOS Yum Repo | 壞蛋的密室
  • Tips 為何說 CentOS 是『社群維護的企業版』呢? Red Hat 公司的 RHEL 釋出後,連帶會將 SRPM 釋出。 社群的朋友就將這些 SRPM 收集起來並重新編譯成...
    鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第二十二章、軟體安裝 RPM, SRPM 與 YUM ...